Hanfbluten zitronenlimonade

Surprisingly, but the tart aroma of hemp is very popular and recognizable even if you have never met this plant before. Besides, hemp is valued for its positive wellness effects, which has been exploiting for centuries.
The amazingly audacious flavoring and strong refreshing outcome are fully represented in our ALPENBIO Hemp Blossom Lemonade.
The amazingly audacious flavoring and strong refreshing outcome are fully represented in our ALPENBIO Hemp Blossom Lemonade.
With our organic Hemp Blossom Lemonade, you will find yourself high in the Alps, alone with Mather Nature and the exceptional taste it created.

Alpenwasser, Zitronensaft (9%)*, Rohrzucker*,
Hanfblutenauszug* (Alpenwasser, Hanfbluten*),
Zitronenol*, Kohlensaure
* aus biologischer Landwirtschaft
- Nährwertangaben pro 100ml:
- Energie146 kJ / 35 kcal
- Fett0g
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren0g
- Kohlenhydrate8g
- davon Zucker8g
- Eiweiß0g
- Salz0g